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We recognise the importance of being part off and supporting our local community.
We engage with our local community in a meaningful manner and continually strive to make a positive contribution through our business activities.

Each year we will choose a charity that it close to out hearts or our clients hearts.
As this is our first year we have decided on 2 charities that we will support for the full year. We will be holding events during the year to raise money for these 2 local charities.

Brainwaves NI

So why chose Brainwaves NI

Brainwaves NI is very close to Julie our mortgage & protection advisors heart. She has ben actively raising money in the last 3 years for Brainwaves along with her family. Julies cousin Emma Grimes died in June 2016 from a brain tumour at age 34. Emma had suffered from this since age 21. Brainwaves NI is dedicated to providing support and information to all those affected by a brain tumour: patients, families and carers.

Niamh Louise Foundation

Why Niamh Louise Foundation 

Niamh Louise is another local charity,it charity provides prevention by raising awareness of suicide to the young and their families. It also helps other with mental illnesses such as stress & anxiety, sleep problems, Panic attacks, obsessions & compulsions. We feel that with the world we live in,  these types of illnesses are growing and we wish to support this charity for the services that they provide.

Why Mortgage Services Cookstown Ltd

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